Likewise, all bureaucrats are granted Founder rights (+F) in all public Wookieepedia IRC channels. In extreme cases, administrators may issue on-wiki sanctions, namely blocking, to users whose IRC behavior proves to be an egregious disturbance.Īll Wookieepedia administrators are granted operator status in all public Wookieepedia IRC channels by virtue of their on-wiki sysop privileges. When all other options fail, individuals may be banned entirely from IRC. The violator will be quieted, allowing them to grow frustrated and quit on his or her own. Should only occur when policy violations, spamming, trolling, and similar transgressions are sufficiently obvious and continuous. As on Wookieepedia, sanctions undertaken by administrators while acting as a channel operator fall under administrative autonomy. The standard sanctions for dealing with violators of IRC policies are as follows. However, admins may choose to remain de-opped, and there are certain opped users who are bots or IRC services (such as the IRC channel management bot, "ChanServ").Īdditionally, our host IRC network has an official policy that must be followed at all times. If they're around, then there is an official presence to consult, and there are people enforcing the rules. In general, the people with symbols (or however your client denotes ops) are Wookieepedia administrators. If you act like you are, you will be kicked. You are not a Jedi, or an Imperial commander, or a Sith, or a Mandalorian. By and large, regulars in #wookieepedia find role-playing in IRC to be annoying and dumb. Don't keep yammering on about a subject nobody cares about. Don't say the same thing six times because no one is responding to you. We don't care if it's British or American, as long as it's not "元3t" or "TXT." Abbreviations are fine, but keep it within reason. #wookieepedia's official language is English.If someone doesn't want to talk about them, drop the subject.

Real-world politics and/or religion may only be discussed with unanimous consent.It is acceptable to be persistent, but in a mature manner. Users who ask for something from another IRC user and are refused should not stoop to complaining, which is grounds for sanctions. Personal attacks are unpreventable on IRC, but don't go out of your way to irritate others. However, there are some rules that should be followed at all times. While mainly meant for Wookieepedia-related discussion, we also discuss a wide range of other topics.